Time to Play

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Learn by Playing
Saves time

If given a new toy, a child will learn how to use the toy by playing with it. The child learns by experimenting with the toy, a process of discovery. So it is with computers. We learn new software programs by experimenting with them. As long as we don't physically abuse the computer by, for example, spilling liquids on it or dropping it on the floor, we can't harm the machine. The most damage we might do is delete files of information from the hard disk, and there are usually confirmation questions to help us avoid doing that.

So, play with the computer. If you see an arrow in a window, click on it to see what happens. If you see a button in a window, click on it to see its effect. If you see a menu bar, experiment with the entries in the menu. If you get stumped, ask your neighbor or go to the Help menu. A little time spent in discovery will return big dividends later on.

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